
Farming with Trees Collective is a decentralized network encouraging collaborative projects in Agroforestry. 

We are a small group of farmers, land stewards, organizations, businesses, and individuals committed to increasing the successful planting of trees on farms and who honor the experience and knowledge of people and community as the foundation for success. 

Our values and intentions below are aspirational, fluid, and often re-examined as we work together. 

Our values and practices informing the work include:

- Transparency

- Authenticity

- Uplifting the Margins

- Collective decision making

- Reciprocity

We believe that trees offer vital solutions when rooted in local agroecosystems and cooperative regional economies.

We ground our agroforestry in people-centered organizing, participatory action research, farmer-to-farmer exchanges, and popular education. 

We engage in projects that center the expertise, wisdom, and experiences of people and places through honest conversation, critical thinking, and deep listening. 

We examine how power flows and where it accumulates through our actions and work to redirect and re channel resources, capital, and decision making toward those most often left behind.

Current Collaborators Include: