Agroforestry is the integration of farming and trees that has its roots in thousands of years of indigenous land stewardship and more recently in scientific research. Both forms of knowledge demonstrate the intersecting benefits to agricultural production, as well as improved ecological health of the landscapes where they are practiced. We are thankful for the contributions of many people and communities both seen and unseen to this collection of knowledge and practice. 

Farming with Trees Collective is a decentralized network encouraging collaborative projects in Agroforestry that are grounded in the wisdom and knowledge of people, communities and ecosystems. Learn more on our ABOUT page!


Tree Nursery Intensive

October 18 - 20, Finger Lakes Region, NY

This three day workshop will utilize the living landscapes of Wellspring Forest Farm, Edible Acres, and Twisted Tree Farm to explore a wide range of examples, approaches, and goals for nursery production. 

Tour these well established sites and learn first hand while enjoying good company, meals, and conversation. Build paradigms for growing trees and the skills to improve your practice of tree growing.  MORE INFO

Steve is speaking at the Savannah Institute's Perennial Farm gathering on a session titled "Why Trees Die (and what you can do to help them!)" - You can visit the resource page for this content to see the materials mentioned in the workshop. 

Current Projects:

Explore farms in the Northeast working to integrate trees and livestock through videos and written case study sheets. 

A three year project to increase the skills of farmers and land stewards in tree propagation, planting, and caretaking.